
September 27, 2012

How to tame flyaway hairs

I would like to achieve a sleek bun or ponytail as what we have seen on the fashion runway.  After doing much research, the trick is using the hairspray to tame those wispy baby hairs around the hairline.
Not to spray directly on the hair but you need certain tools. Do this as the final step after tying the ponytail or bun.

1st way - Spray the hairspray on your palm and smooth it over your flyaway hairs around the hair line.

2nd way - Spray the hairspray on a clean makeup brush and smooth it over your flyaway hairs around the hair line.

3rd way - Spray the hairspray on a clean toothbrush ( one with a full head and soft bristles)  and smooth it over your flyaway hairs around the hair line.  I've read that you can also use shine serum instead of the hairspray.

Either way, it should help you to achieve that sleek look without those flyaway hairs.  

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